We offer places in our virtual newsroom communities ranging from training positions to senior editor roles. For agency start-ups, we provide funding, access to markets, accreditation and sponsorship to help you get started.
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Companies that trust the NewsX community
Building news communities around editorial teams
Virtual newsroom communities
At the heart of every NewsX community is a dedicated team working in a virtual newsroom, the T4 News Hub. NewsX media professionals on network with other virtual museums and editorial teams using a news production method that has evolved alongside the software over the last 20 years. T4 Hub allows editorial teams to focus on what they do best - which is journalism.
Training and accreditation
Whether a 5-year senior looking for new roles and challenges, or enthusiastic beginner seeking newsroom experience, we offer accreditation and training for all roles, including stringers, commissioning editors, pre-copy checkers, illustration editors, journalists, video editors, picture editors, senior writers, news editors and sub-editors.
NewsX for news agencies
With a common standard in training, NewsX media professionals can move between news agencies covering subjects as diverse as sports, news features, breaking news, or news in specific areas - from China to the US. Our virtual newsroom, the T4 Hub, offers big data feedback on an extensive portfolio of publishers that can help you monetise what you create.
Our numbers speak for themselves
Number of publishers that receive our feed
Number of stories produced
Number Of News Communities Founded