About Us

Join the NewsX revolution

What began as an idea in the 90s to create an A-Z solution for sustainable journalism, from conception to publication and monetisation, is now a working reality. NewsX has grown organically over two decades, experimenting and making a difference with a diverse journalism portfolio.

Our quality news informs, educates, and changes lives and is paid for by selling our entertainment news. As NewsX has been taking shape, we have yet to have sponsors, grants, investors, advertising, PR, or marketing. In short, the only people we answer to are the same ones we have always answered to, our media partners and our editorial team.

NewsX is about a return to the traditional values of journalism, partnered with the potential for modern technology to automate the mundane, leaving the best parts to real people.

  • At NewsX, journalism comes before profit. We have cemented that by creating a Community Interest Company (CIC) where the importance of journalism, rather than profit, is enshrined in our mission statement.
  • At NewsX, editorial and advertising are separate, so much so that we have no direct advertising. Instead, we only accept such content if our members want to put it through the lens of journalism.
  • When local news brands and specialist media started to vanish, the grassroots reporting that was the viral news of the next day and the training ground for the new generation of reporters also disappeared. NewsX is starting to rebuild this network as a sustainable community by harnessing passion and expertise.
News Stories Created
Articles Sold
£ 13M+
Revenue Generated
Join The NewsX Revolution

Why NewsX?

People have been trying to fix journalism for decades, looking for the X factor that will provide sustainable independent news. NewsX is that X factor.
Creating news communities
NewsX fosters communities that care about accurate reporting and want to be involved in sharing that with the world.
Next gen newsgathering
Back to basics with instant access to relevant experts and celebrities in a high tech virtual newsroom environment.
Without fear or favour
Modern reporting worries about offending, but the facts have to come first.
Tackling polarization
Agenda-free journalism is an empty echo chamber. Agenda-rich content puts both sides of the story out.
Restoring church and state
Back to basics with instant access to relevant experts and celebrities in a high-tech virtual newsroom environment.
NewsX is about news, not profits
NewsX is a Community Interest Company (CIC), where income from the sale of content is used to benefit community news teams.
Investing in news
Journalism has been left behind In the tech race for too long. NewsX develops bespoke software so journalists can concentrate on news.
Related services
Editorial staff, accreditation, complaints, copyright, free resources, training.
Create a community
Do you care about a subject or region not represented in the media? Call us to discuss!

Email: editor@newsx.media

Phone: +436766605122
Our opposites help us to grow but our shared values bind us

News that our communities generate is an eclectic mix that does not aim to please anybody. Instead, it seeks to challenge all sides. When we include extremes, we balance them and then publish them where they will bring the most benefit – offering balance in an otherwise polarised media landscape. Our news communities have an almost infinite capacity to grow, fuelled by people who have a shared interest, but we have also built a news network that can publish an ever-growing amount of content. With editorial teams who work closely with their communities, we have a tough and well-informed audience to fact-check and challenge every article. These editors are the mouthpieces of their communities, understanding their concerns and providing a connection with the rest of the world.

Our Opposites Help Us To Grow

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