Become an Influencer

At NewsX, you make the news

We provide social media influencers with a place in the media, providing them access to followers who might otherwise be unaware of their content. Over the years, NewsX influencer partners have added millions of followers to their pages, putting them on the international map for both recognition and advertising.

At NewsX You Make The News

Companies that trust the NewsX community

Daily mirror
The lad
Turbo boost your audience
Your own personal correspondent
Top influencer partners get their own correspondent, providing coverage of your activities for the media. They can also work with you on ways that will generate news items. You will also gain access to our editors to submit content, all at no charge. If you or your agent have a story to tell that you want to distribute, you can submit it for free, and we will share the best stories globally at no charge.
Networking you and the Real Press
Despite the enormous reach that social media platforms now have, true recognition that an influencer really has a voice that counts only comes with exposure in the media. We take your social media posts and turn them into real news.
Show followers your voice counts
We monitor your social media accounts to find content that will get you coverage by international media, meaning more reach, and more revenue. A single story about one of our influencer partners, published with one of our media partners, crosses beyond the confines of a single social media platform, reaching into other platforms and even to people who don't typically use social media. Our team of news reporters will monitor your content for newsworthy items which will be fed to an international selection of media clientele, from hyperlocal news to globally recognised brands.

Our numbers speak for themselves

The number of publishers that receive our feed
250 000+
Number of stories produced
Number Of News Communities Founded