Back-End Developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam id nulla sapien. Donec magna sapien, molestie quis scelerisque ac, suscipit ornare ligula. Phasellus et magna erat. Vestibulum euismod iaculis diam et elementum. Sed in pellentesque sem. Nulla pellentesque volutpat risus non bibendum. Suspendisse gravida diam nisi, eu viverra mauris porttitor sit amet. Fusce faucibus est sed lacus interdum egestas. Cras tellus quam, porttitor vitae orci a, luctus finibus nibh. Proin sagittis odio sed ante elementum molestie ac consectetur ex. Pellentesque condimentum libero vitae leo fermentum dignissim. Etiam et ullamcorper lacus. Nullam sed turpis sem. Cras sed arcu accumsan, finibus metus ut, sagittis ligula. Vestibulum pellentesque orci sem, et vehicula urna feugiat at.

Curabitur imperdiet ipsum sed dui mollis, vitae luctus libero ullamcorper. Sed tempor a neque vitae cursus. Sed gravida sapien ante, eu ornare nunc bibendum vitae. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur faucibus imperdiet consequat. Maecenas mattis, dolor vel mattis fermentum, magna ex semper purus, eu fringilla turpis massa at purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam nisl augue, viverra at nulla ut, fringilla rutrum purus. Proin aliquam efficitur turpis, ut commodo dui vestibulum id. Sed suscipit pellentesque massa at maximus. Integer eu pharetra velit.

  • Making confirmation calls and follow-up calls to customers as needed regarding their move
  • Assist with the hiring process including interviews and offers
  • Assist with administrative items; following up on new hire paperwork, uploading new hire paperwork to the system, etc.
  • Manage service coordination and crew schedules, when required
  • Troubleshoot, when needed, when variations occur during the move plan
  • Assist with administration duties as directed by the Dispatch Manager
Qualifications & Skills
  • Previous dispatch experience is preferred
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in an administrative capacity focusing on coordinating multiple items and tasks at one time
  • Previous experience working closely with the operations team of a business
  • Previous experience with safety compliance and standards would be an asset
  • The ability to prioritize tasks and make decisions within guidelines to meet deadlines
  • Demonstrated ability to build professional rapport, effectively lead a team and positively influence diverse groups
  • Proven ability to apply sound business judgment to establish and accomplish goals
  • Customer service skills necessary to effectively and professionally respond to requests and issues verbal and written communication skills necessary to communicate with various audiences and the ability to effectively provide employees instruction on process and practice
  • Software skills, including use of Microsoft Office software and web-based versions
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