AGE IS JUST A USD 500,000 NUMBER: Lotto Birthday Ticket Scoops Huge Jackpot

Picture shows Kentucky Lottery scratch-offs ticket, undated. Unnamed man bought lottery tickets for his wife for her birthday in Our Place Liquors shop, Kentucky, USA and she won $500,000. Note: Photo is from Kentucky Lottery. (Kentucky Lottery/Newsflash) Picture shows Kentucky Lottery scratch-offs ticket, undated. Unnamed man bought lottery tickets for his wife for her birthday in Our Place Liquors shop, Kentucky, USA and she won $500,000. Note: Photo is from Kentucky Lottery. (Kentucky Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Kentucky Lottery/Newsflash

25 April 2023
A husband who gave his wife lottery scratchcards for her birthday was astonished when his USD 100 present turned into a USD 500,000 jackpot. The amazed couple - from Louisville, in the US state of Kentucky - won the half-million jackpot on a single ticket. And at first, the wife thought her...