THE BALD TRUTH: Judges Throw Out Drink Driver's Ban Appeal Over Leg Hair Lab Tests

Photo shows the Federal Court of Lausanne, undated. Leg hair is debated after a driver in 2021 had to give hair from his legs for analysis, since he had too little on his head.
Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video(Newsflash). Photo shows the Federal Court of Lausanne, undated. Leg hair is debated after a driver in 2021 had to give hair from his legs for analysis, since he had too little on his head. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video(Newsflash).
Copyrights: Newsflash

08 December 2023
A bald drink driver who appealed his ban when police scientists used hairs from his leg and not his head to test his boozing has had his case thrown out by judges in Switzerland. The driver, from Solothurn Canton, had failed a roadside breath test and was ordered to have his hair analysed...