Bikers Crushed Under 18-Tonne Lorry As It Overturns On Top Of Them

This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-OverloadedTruck-01.mp4: Truck overturns and topples over moving motorbike in Rajasthan’s Dholpur district, India, Feb. 25, 2025.(	Clipzilla/NX) This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-OverloadedTruck-01.mp4: Truck overturns and topples over moving motorbike in Rajasthan’s Dholpur district, India, Feb. 25, 2025.( Clipzilla/NX)
Copyrights: Clipzilla/NX

03 March 2025
+ + +CLIPZILLA + + + ( For newsdesk queries : Call or WhatsApp on +44 751 927 1676 or mail on This is the shocking moment a teenage biker and his passenger are crushed under an overloaded 18-tonne lorry as it overturns right on top of them. Video...