Driver Suffers Sudden Stroke And Crashes Into Lexus At High Speed

This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-FatalAccident-01.mp4: The footage shows a Toyota losing control and crashing into a Lexus in the oncoming traffic lane near Blagoveshchensk, Russia on Thursday, Mar. 6, 2025.(Clipzilla/NX) This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-FatalAccident-01.mp4: The footage shows a Toyota losing control and crashing into a Lexus in the oncoming traffic lane near Blagoveshchensk, Russia on Thursday, Mar. 6, 2025.(Clipzilla/NX)
Copyrights: Clipzilla/NX

11 March 2025
+ + +CLIPZILLA + + + ( For newsdesk queries : Call or WhatsApp on +44 751 927 1676 or mail on This is the agonising a moment a driver suffers a sudden stroke and swerves across a motorway hitting another motorist in a high-speed head-on smash. Shock...