EL OF A WHIFF: Spanish Holidaymakers Flee Stinky Algae Beach Invasion

Photo shows the algae of Los Canos de Meca, in Cadiz, southern Spain, covered in algaes. Neighbours and beachgoers complained about the bad smell that is also causing tourism troubles. 
Notes: Picture is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash) Photo shows the algae of Los Canos de Meca, in Cadiz, southern Spain, covered in algaes. Neighbours and beachgoers complained about the bad smell that is also causing tourism troubles. Notes: Picture is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

04 July 2023
Sickened tourists are fleeing beaches in Spain after a new invasion of revolting-smelling algae along the southern coast. The putrid invader - named rugulopteryx okamurae - is understood to have arrived from Asia in the ballast tanks of cargo ships. The invasion has spread along the Canos...