GIVE IT A GO-GO: Lucky Man Wins Astonishing USD 100,000 Lottery Prize After Quarrel Over Funk Music With Store Clerk

Photo shows former Baltimore City police officer, Kenneth Matthew, undated. He won $100,000.
Note: Licensed photo(Maryland Lottery/Newsflash). Photo shows former Baltimore City police officer, Kenneth Matthew, undated. He won $100,000. Note: Licensed photo(Maryland Lottery/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Maryland Lottery/Newsflash

03 November 2023
A lucky man in the USA has won an astonishing USD 100,000 on a lottery scratchcard after a quarrel over funk music with a store clerk. Kenneth Matthew from the city of Laurel, Maryland State, USA, said he would hear the soundtrack of the music variant known as go-go each time he went to the...