GOLD SWINDLER: Cops Bust EUR 80K Crooks Selling Fake QE II Gold Coins

After months of investigations three men were arrested in Cologne on 2th of June 2022, and police seized 19 fake gold coins.
Note: Police photo(Polizeiprasidium Koln/Newsflash). After months of investigations three men were arrested in Cologne on 2th of June 2022, and police seized 19 fake gold coins. Note: Police photo(Polizeiprasidium Koln/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Polizeiprasidium Koln/Newsflash

06 June 2022
Fraud police have busted scammers suspected of selling fake Canadian 'Maple Leaf' gold coins with the face of Queen Elizabeth on them. The fraudsters are said to have conned buyers out of EUR 80,000 by selling the fakes. Cologne police headquarters in the western German state of North Rhine...