Hapless Thieves Flee Phone Shop Raid With Dummy iPhone

This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-DumbThieves-01.mp4: CCTV shows two hooded burglars clumsily yanking at secured cell phones, breaking the shelf, triggering alarms and a fog machine, and fleeing with just one phone in Herne, Germany on Thursday, Mar. 20, 2025.(Clipzilla/NX) This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-DumbThieves-01.mp4: CCTV shows two hooded burglars clumsily yanking at secured cell phones, breaking the shelf, triggering alarms and a fog machine, and fleeing with just one phone in Herne, Germany on Thursday, Mar. 20, 2025.(Clipzilla/NX)
Copyrights: Clipzilla/NX

25 March 2025
+ + +CLIPZILLA + + + (https://newsx.media) For newsdesk queries : Call or WhatsApp on +44 751 927 1676 or mail on queries@newsx.media This is the moment a pair of dummies flee a raid on a mobile phone shop with just a non-working display model after they trigger a security smoke machine...