HOB-KNOB KILLER: Wife Cut Off Husbands Manhood With Chainsaw And Cooked It

Srdjan Peric (left) from Zrenjanin in Serbia in a photo with his wife Tereza Peric (right), who allegedly put him to sleep with medication, stabbed him to death, cut off his legs and genitals and boiled them in a pot, in May 2022.
Note: Private photo(@srdjan.peric.906/Newsflash). Srdjan Peric (left) from Zrenjanin in Serbia in a photo with his wife Tereza Peric (right), who allegedly put him to sleep with medication, stabbed him to death, cut off his legs and genitals and boiled them in a pot, in May 2022. Note: Private photo(@srdjan.peric.906/Newsflash).
Copyrights: @srdjan.peric.906/Newsflash

12 May 2022
A 46-year-old woman accused of cutting off her husband's testicles with a chainsaw and cooking them on the oven hob has been seized by police. Suspect Teresa Peric is believed to have drugged 42-year-old Srdjan Peric before stabbing him dead, cutting him into pieces and boiling his remains...