Huge 36 Stone Turtle Rescued In Spanish Port After Suffering Injuries In Net

Moment of performing an ultrasound on the turtle weighing 230 kilos, at the Oceanografic facilities.
Note: Photo with permission obtained(Oceanografic Valencia/Newsflash). Moment of performing an ultrasound on the turtle weighing 230 kilos, at the Oceanografic facilities. Note: Photo with permission obtained(Oceanografic Valencia/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Oceanografic Valencia/Newsflash

22 March 2022
THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED WITH A NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENCE FOR ALL NEWS MEDIA FORMATS AND ALL SOCIAL MEDIA. Details available on request: This is the moment caring vets treat a huge, 36-stone leatherback turtle - which is listed as critically-endangered - after it became...