JUNGLE COOK: 'Starving' Moscow Mowgli Taken From Mum

An emaciated boy, 7, lays under blanket in an apartment littered with rubbish in Moscow, Russia, undated. The boy was hospitalized and handed over to the authorities. Note: Picture is from the Prosecutor's Office of Moscow. (@moscowproc/Newsflash) An emaciated boy, 7, lays under blanket in an apartment littered with rubbish in Moscow, Russia, undated. The boy was hospitalized and handed over to the authorities. Note: Picture is from the Prosecutor's Office of Moscow. (@moscowproc/Newsflash)
Copyrights: @moscowproc/Newsflash

10 April 2023
A starving seven-year-old boy dubbed the Moscow Mowgli has been taken from his mother over concerns for his health. The boy - named only as Mike in local media - is recovering in hospital after he was taken from his mum and their eastern Moscow home by social care officials. Russian...