JUNK FOOD: People Eat One Credit Cards Worth of Plastic Trash a Week Says Study

Entrance area of ​​the medical university campus and the Vienna General Hospital in the Austrian capital of Vienna. Note: This photo is from a press release. (MedUni Wien, AKH Wien, Houdek/Newsflash) Entrance area of ​​the medical university campus and the Vienna General Hospital in the Austrian capital of Vienna. Note: This photo is from a press release. (MedUni Wien, AKH Wien, Houdek/Newsflash)
Copyrights: MedUni Wien, AKH Wien, Houdek/Newsflash

31 March 2022
People are eating the equivalent of one credit card every week in their diet, a new study into the effects of plastic particles on human health has revealed. The particles enter the human food chain through plastic waste contained in fish, sea salt and even drinking water, the study shows...