Russia Shows Off Iskander Mobile Short Range Ballistic Missile System Allegedly Firing On Ukraine

Iskander crew deploys the missile system for a combat mission in Ukraine in undated footage.
According to Russian Mod "Iskanders" are guaranteed to destroy any military facility within 500 kilometers from the front line on enemy territory. 
Note: This picture is a screenshot from the video (Ministry of Defense of Russia/Newsflash). Iskander crew deploys the missile system for a combat mission in Ukraine in undated footage. According to Russian Mod "Iskanders" are guaranteed to destroy any military facility within 500 kilometers from the front line on enemy territory. Note: This picture is a screenshot from the video (Ministry of Defense of Russia/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Ministry of Defense of Russia/Newsflash

15 August 2022
This footage allegedly shows a Russian Iskander mobile short-range ballistic missile system allegedly firing on targets in Ukraine. The Russian MoD claimed in a statement (in Russian), also obtained on Monday, 15th August, that the images show one of their Iskanders "striking at the military...