SHELL SHOCK: World's Oldest Zoo Celebrates More Than 1,000 European Pond Turtles Hatchlings

Image shows European pond turtles at the Danube-Auen National Park, Austria, undated photo. The Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, celebrated the Endangered Species Day on Friday, May 19, 2023. Note: Licensed content. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash) Image shows European pond turtles at the Danube-Auen National Park, Austria, undated photo. The Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, celebrated the Endangered Species Day on Friday, May 19, 2023. Note: Licensed content. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash

22 May 2023
The oldest zoo in the world has celebrated the hatching of more than 1,000 adorable European pond turtles threatened with extinction. Overjoyed staff at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, in the city of Vienna, Austria, honoured the moment the young turtles hatched and left their nests at the Danube-Auen...