SWISS ROLE: Please Annex Our Village Frustrated Italians Beg Switzerland

Image shows the Italian village of Monteviasco, undated photo. Residents asked their village to be annexed to Switzerland after cable car that connects them to the rest of the world has remained broken since 2018. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash) Image shows the Italian village of Monteviasco, undated photo. Residents asked their village to be annexed to Switzerland after cable car that connects them to the rest of the world has remained broken since 2018. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

02 November 2022
Stranded villagers in an Italian Alpine hamlet have asked Switzerland to annex them after four years of bungling by local politicians. The village's gondola lift has been out of action since 2018 after a fatal cable-car accident and can only be reached through a 1,400-step mule track up the...