WHOLE LOTTO LUCK: Late Shift Lands Couple USD 100,000 Lottery Jackpot

Image shows the husband and wife from the city of Bowie, in Prince George's County, Maryland, USA, undated photo. They won USD 50,000 (GBP 41,106) twice in the Black Friday Pick 5 midday drawing on Nov. 25, 2022. Note: Licensed content. (Maryland Lottery/Newsflash) Image shows the husband and wife from the city of Bowie, in Prince George's County, Maryland, USA, undated photo. They won USD 50,000 (GBP 41,106) twice in the Black Friday Pick 5 midday drawing on Nov. 25, 2022. Note: Licensed content. (Maryland Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Maryland Lottery/Newsflash

16 December 2022
A couple who share their lottery ticket duties have won a USD 100,000 jackpot after the husband had to take over the whole operation. The pair, who hail from Bowie, Maryland State, USA, normally split their duties with the husband picking the numbers and his wife buying the tickets. But...