WHOLE LOTTO LUCK: Lucky Lottery Agent Becomes Millionaire After Scooping INR 10 Million On Ticket He Fails To Sell

NK Gangadharan poses in undated photo. He won INR 10 million  (GBP 98,595) on  the state government's   lottery with an unsold ticket, in  Kozhikode, India. Note: Private photo (Newsflash) NK Gangadharan poses in undated photo. He won INR 10 million (GBP 98,595) on the state government's lottery with an unsold ticket, in Kozhikode, India. Note: Private photo (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

09 October 2023
A lucky lottery store owner has become a millionaire after winning INR 10 million on a ticket with pre-chosen numbers that he decided to check after he failed to sell it. Lottery tickets that can be purchased with pre-chosen numbers are popular in India, with small stands or individuals...