Woman Torches Tower Block She Deemed 'Too Tall'

This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-HighBuilding-01.mp4: A woman set fire to boxes in the Leader Tower skyscraper because she disliked the building in Saint Petersburg, Russia on Sunday, Mar. 9. 2025.(	
Clipzilla/NX) This image is a screen grab of the video supplied titled NewsX-HighBuilding-01.mp4: A woman set fire to boxes in the Leader Tower skyscraper because she disliked the building in Saint Petersburg, Russia on Sunday, Mar. 9. 2025.( Clipzilla/NX)
Copyrights: Clipzilla/NX

11 March 2025
+ + +CLIPZILLA + + + (https://newsx.media) For newsdesk queries : Call or WhatsApp on +44 751 927 1676 or mail on queries@newsx.media A woman who torched a 42-storey office block told baffled police she had done it because she thought it was "too tall". The 47-year-old suspect was caught...