WORTH EVERY SCENT: Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman's Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer

Picture shows a  reconstruction of  the patient's nose from biomaterial that was implanted in her forearm.   The nose was able to be transplanted in the nasal region successfully with a creation of a connection between blood vessels.  Note: Licensed photo.  (Toulouse University Hospital/Newsflash) Picture shows a reconstruction of the patient's nose from biomaterial that was implanted in her forearm. The nose was able to be transplanted in the nasal region successfully with a creation of a connection between blood vessels. Note: Licensed photo. (Toulouse University Hospital/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Toulouse University Hospital/Newsflash

14 November 2022
Experts in France have grown a woman a new 3D-printed nose on her forearm after she lost hers to cancer. Newsflash obtained a statement from the Toulouse University Hospital in southern France on 8th November saying they had "completely reconstructed the patient's nose from a synthetic...