
05 December 2023
(starts) A schoolboy has died and 13 other people have been injured after a bus crashed into a...
05 December 2023
(starts) A stunning young influencer who was the daughter of a famous Russian goalkeeper has...
05 December 2023
(starts) More than 100 animals have been rescued, and two people have been arrested after an animal...
05 December 2023
(starts) A Washington city council candidate who said he "did not feel comfortable" voting for...
05 December 2023
(starts) A 30-year-old mum who described herself as "wild" and "crazy" has been shot and killed in a...
05 December 2023
(starts) A curious pup ended up having to be freed by police after it got its head stuck up a...
05 December 2023
(starts) The teenage girl murdered after a kidnapping allegedly organised by her dad had recently...
05 December 2023
A man in Spain has been apprehended in a massive police raid that resulted in the arrest of 121...
05 December 2023
The video shows the moment firefighters in Italy drive through flooded streets after four-metre-long...
05 December 2023
Police in Spain have purchased a total of 106 plug-in hybrid vehicles worth an astonishing GBP 3.9...
05 December 2023
(starts) A porn star who once claimed that size is not everything has got fans hot under the collar...
05 December 2023
WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT (starts) This is the gruesome moment a man plummets 100ft to his death...
05 December 2023
(starts) A man who killed his girlfriend in a brutal beating then leapt to his death from the top of...
05 December 2023
(starts) This is the terrifying moment a dad runs towards his blazing car to save his daughter as it...
05 December 2023
(starts) A 26-year-old man died and three others were injured when a massive lightning bolt hit an...
05 December 2023
(starts) A model who suffers from vitiligo has told how she has lost almost all the pigment in her...