30 November 2023
(starts) A beautiful Brazillian woman has been killed by her jilted ex-boyfriend in the US after...
30 November 2023
(starts) An OnlyFans model who insisted that her boyfriend has to have sex with her more than 15...
30 November 2023
(starts) The ex-lover of the famous 'fat' ballerina Anastasia Volochkova has been found dead inside...
30 November 2023
(starts) A lucky man hoping to win some pocket money has scooped a massive USD 120,000 jackpot after...
30 November 2023
(starts) This is a notorious drugs lord's bizarre tribute to a beloved dead dog that emerged when...
30 November 2023
(starts) A trucker who had EUR 1 million of liquid amphetamine hidden in plastic tanks in his cargo...
30 November 2023
(starts) The family of the girl who died after she ran out into the road after being chased by stray...
30 November 2023
(starts) A husband who reportedly killed his pastor wife in the yard while their children were at...
29 November 2023
(starts) A school head accused of bribing 16 girl pupils with sweets to let him sexually abuse them...
29 November 2023
(starts) Drivers in the USA have been left stunned after dozens of chickens escaped a lorry...
29 November 2023
(starts) A lucky woman has become a millionaire after she bought a lottery scratchcard while picking...
29 November 2023
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT (starts) An astonishing tumour the weight of a two-year-old child has been...
29 November 2023
(starts) A Western musician who was accused of working with the radical Islamic group Hezbollah...
29 November 2023
(starts) The daughter of a police officer has been arrested after she was caught with spy gadgets in...
29 November 2023
(starts) Six soldiers were rushed to hospital after their tanks collided during NATO manoeuvres in...
29 November 2023
(starts) A mother and her lover who had sold her five-year-old son to different men for abuse and...