
20 October 2023
(starts) A young mum who decided to let her hair down on a night out with pals at a bar in Colombia...
20 October 2023
(starts) A violent husband who stabbed his wife to death in front of their five children because she...
20 October 2023
(starts) A helicopter pilot was forced into an emergency landing after a dive bombing seagull...
20 October 2023
(starts) This footage shows cops intercepting a boat carrying 11 endangered green sea turtles...
20 October 2023
(starts) A cafe boss who kidnapped and tortured a beautiful waitress that his fiance was jealous of...
20 October 2023
(starts) A zoo director who hired lawyers to censor bad reviews has been slammed for trying to...
20 October 2023
(starts) A 25-year-old man was killed when a cardboard press machine crushed him to death after...
20 October 2023
(starts) A worker had to be hospitalised after an Audi struck him while he and another colleague...
20 October 2023
(starts) Europe's richest millennial and Red Bull tycoon Mark Mateschitz is to give all staff in the...
20 October 2023
(starts) A lucky man has become a multimillionaire after he scooped USD 10 million on a lottery...
19 October 2023
(starts) A refugee who fled violence in Iraq has been seized by police in California accused of...
19 October 2023
(starts) A model in Brazil set on getting the world's biggest natural bottom has told how cruel...
19 October 2023
(starts) This is the chilling image of a three-year-old girl in the same handcart that police...
19 October 2023
(starts) A plane passenger flying from Cameroon was seized by customs officers in Germany when they...
19 October 2023
(starts) This is the amazing moment a home-alone four-year-old girl plunges from a third-storey...
19 October 2023
(starts) A bodybuilder who strangled his girlfriend and then burned her body in a sack has told a...