
14 December 2022
This content is LICENSED.+++++ This is a T4-Hub Exclusive news item. That means that it meets the...
14 December 2022
This is the moment Turkish combat aircraft can be seen refueling from a supply plane among the blue...
14 December 2022
The amazing video shows a herd of wild goats seeks shelter from the coming winter as Turkish hills...
14 December 2022
This is the moment police officers catch and arrest a suspected killer after he returned to the...
14 December 2022
This footage shows cops arresting a male suspect who stole a car and crashed into two vehicles that...
14 December 2022
This is the moment a brave police sergeant saves a man from choking by performing the Heimlich...
14 December 2022
A hockey field worker recently went viral after sharing some behind-the-scenes footage of how the...
14 December 2022
(starts) A boy has tragically lost his life after he stuck his head out of a bus window and hit a...
14 December 2022
(starts) This is the harrowing moment a young woman hits the ground with a thud after falling from a...
14 December 2022
(starts) A US woman who claimed to be an Egyptian goddess has been arrested after she demolished a...
14 December 2022
(starts) A South African pastor has raised eyebrows by charging nearly GBP 1,000 "to see God in...
14 December 2022
(starts) An Italian mayor has outraged his citizens after he decided to hand out the city's most...
14 December 2022
(starts) A woman political prisoner jailed in Iran over criticism of the regime on social media says...
14 December 2022
These images purport to show Russian military engineers 'blowing up' a mock enemy dugout and a...
14 December 2022
(starts) A man is suing Sony and electronic arts after spending nearly GBP 10,000 on FIFA in-game...
14 December 2022
(starts) A stunning influencer and burlesque star from Germany has stolen the spotlight by dressing...