A man from the USA who headed out to a local convenience store to satisfy his chicken...
A man from the USA who headed out to a local convenience store to satisfy his chicken...
A pensioner who handed in nearly USD 15,000 cash to police after finding it on the street...
A woman who won USD 50,000 on her sixth lotto scratchcard has told how she only bought it...
A man who broke into a bank in Germany to barbecue chicken is facing up to five years in...
A man is suing car parking bosses in Germany after a randy couple demolished his Mercedes...
Over half of the artefacts from the former African Kingdom of Benin that are exhibited in...
A woman from the USA who won more than GBP 244,000 on the lottery scared her son to death...
A routine military exercise has left around a dozen German troops injured, one of them...
Two Last Generation activists who were called in court after they blocked a street in...
The search for a missing round-the-world sailor has continued nearly two months after he...
An exceptionally rare giant gemstone dubbed the largest pear-shaped pink diamond to ever be offered...
A huge underground Nazi air raid bunker from World War II could be revived as officials study Russia...
A woman has shared a heartbreaking story of how a WWII hero's love letters to his wife were found in...