Kidnappers who imprisoned a terrified 22-year-old student for a week while they milked his...
Kidnappers who imprisoned a terrified 22-year-old student for a week while they milked his...
A ransomware cybercrime gang linked to Russia said to have swindled tens of millions of...
Undertakers have revealed that the number of Germans asking for their deceased loved ones'...
New research by German scientists has revealed that Europeans already used steel tools...
Shamed tennis ace Boris Becker has outraged his bankruptcy creditors after he was filmed...
A sexy vocal technique used by Kim Kardashian and Katy Perry is also being used by...
Crystal heiress Victoria Swarovski has split with her husband after falling for...
A drug trafficker trying to smuggle crystal meth tied to his genitals has been seized by...
A mobile phone belonging to a woman who disappeared on her way to IKEA three years ago has...
A retrial against a German man who was jailed for raping an 11-year-old girl has been...
Austrian customs have seized nearly 45,000 fake Louis Vuitton purses and Versace...
The wife and family of a suspect who was detained for allegedly faking a mugging and...
A hidden chamber believed to be protecting the actual burial chamber of King Cheops has...
A blonde teenager from Germany whose remains were discovered in a forest nearly 26 years...
A new study has revealed that only hunter-gatherers who sought refuge in Spain and...
Scientists studying DNA from a 23,000-year-old caveman found in Spain have been astonished...