Real-life Ken-turned-Barbie Jessica Alves has shown her surgically sculpted body for her...
Real-life Ken-turned-Barbie Jessica Alves has shown her surgically sculpted body for her...
A YouTube blogger being investigated as a suspected paedophile by police in Brazil has...
A beautiful young woman has been found murdered beside her car in a killing allegedly...
Two little brothers on a bike ride died a day before Christmas after they smashed into a...
This is the moment what should have been the happiest day turns into a nightmare for a...
This is the little three-year-old boy who died after being left inside a school minibus all...
A young model who used her good looks to help market her own...
High-flying social media influencers have been seized by police in Brazil and accused of...
A four-year-old boy died after being left inside a school minibus all day in searing 35...
A beautiful and smart young woman psychologist with everything to live for has died after...
An actress has amazed her fans by revealing that she gets so emotional during sex she often...
A singer has complained after airport security inspected her afro.
Singer and songwriter...
An abusive man has been arrested after drug gangs killed his ex-girlfriend and her friends...
This little boy has been left without a mum just before Christmas after she was stripped...
A 21-year-old woman whose face was skinned and who had her ears and nose cut off and her...
A 12-year-old boy died in agony from a blood clot caused by a broken ankle sustained in a...