A man is on the run after he accidentally shot a 17-year-old girl in the head on New Year's...
A man is on the run after he accidentally shot a 17-year-old girl in the head on New Year's...
A journalist in Turkey has died after she was fatally shot in the street by her jilted ex...
A seven-year-old child has died after a tree branch fell on him in a graveyard while he was...
A top parachutist and father of three has died after jumping from a plane and hitting the...
A 22-year-old businessman looking for a place to start his business died after he fell...
An 8-year-old child has died after being hit by a goalpost while playing football with his...
A woman was pulled to her death inside a giant combine harvester as she took a shortcut...
A two-year-old boy was savaged to death by his own family's pet pitbull as he tried to get...
An athletics trainer died when she plunged from a rockface as she slipped while taking a...
A woman had a narrow escape from what would have been a bizarre death when her car was...
Snake charmers sparked panic on a packed express train in India after releasing their...
A biker blogger planning to wed his motorcycle-mad fiancee has died after hitting a dog in...
A nine-month pregnant teenager has lost her life due to electrocution from an extension...
A 13-year-old schoolgirl died in a freak smash when she leaned out of a moving bus window...
A mother of three who posted a cryptic message about death has been killed when a tree fell...
This is the bizarre moment a motorcyclist is flattened when hundreds of bottles of ice tea...