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12 September 2022
This footage reportedly shows a Russian Su-35S fighter jet taking off to attack targets in Ukraine...
12 September 2022
This footage shows a Ukrainian recon units destroying a Russian tank near Kherson as Moscow's...
09 September 2022
The first two months in the lives of a pair of giant panda bear twins have been captured on film and...
09 September 2022
This footage pays tribute to the Ukrainian soldiers who have managed to recapture over 1,000 square...
12 September 2022
This footage shows Australian soldiers marking the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the...
12 September 2022
(starts) Doctors in the Saudi capital Riyadh are hoping to separate these two conjoined twins from...
12 September 2022
(starts) A study using 10 years of citizen science data from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust’s...
12 September 2022
(starts) The heartbroken parents of a six-year-old boy with learning difficulties have put up a GBP...
12 September 2022
(starts) Three American hikers who were jailed in Iran for over a year on spying charges are now...
12 September 2022
(starts) A man who went to hospital with a severe genital infection confessed to medics that he'd...
12 September 2022
(starts) A four-year-old Syrian girl who left Lebanon for Europe on a fishing boat with 60 other...
12 September 2022
(starts) An 11-year-old girl who was made pregnant by a rapist is expecting a second baby, say...
12 September 2022
(starts) Turkey is shipping more than 1.5 million carnations for Queen Elizabeth II's funeral...
12 September 2022
(starts) A tea bag said to have been smuggled out of Windsor Castle after being used by the late...
12 September 2022
(starts) A woman who claimed she had found a newborn baby in a waste sack on an empty lot is...
12 September 2022
(starts) A man who left his amputated leg in a Spanish hospital after an op to remove it will have...