AIR STRIKES: Russian Fighter Jets Bomb Ukrainian Fortified Structures And Weapons Depots

Russian Army using the Sukhoi Su-34 bombers launched an air strikes on fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in April, 2022. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Newsflash) Russian Army using the Sukhoi Su-34 bombers launched an air strikes on fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in April, 2022. Note: Picture is a screenshot from a video (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Newsflash

20 April 2022
This is the moment Russian fighter jets take to the sky and reportedly carry out strikes on key Ukrainian strongholds and weapons depots. The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the airstrikes, carried out by single planes and in pairs, successfully destroyed Ukrainian fortified...