BREAK OF DAY: Woman's Short Break From Breakfast Earns Her Nearly GBP 200,000 On Lottery

Rachelle VanBuren poses in undated photo. She won the USD 243,966 (GBP 194.762)jackpot playing  a game during breakfast. Note: Licensed photo. (Virginia Lottery/Newsflash) Rachelle VanBuren poses in undated photo. She won the USD 243,966 (GBP 194.762)jackpot playing a game during breakfast. Note: Licensed photo. (Virginia Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Virginia Lottery/Newsflash

11 September 2023
A lucky woman in the USA has won nearly GBP 200,000 on the lottery after deciding to take a break from breakfast and try her luck online. Rachelle VanBuren from the city of Hampton, Virginia State, USA, was enjoying her Sunday breakfast when she decided to take five and play the 'Marvelous...