CHEESY MONEY: Are Dutch Cheeses Being Stolen And Sent To Sanction Hit Russia?

The scene of the theft of 161 cheeses worth EUR 21,000, in Fijnaart, Netherlands,  in March, 2022.
Note: Photo is a screenshot from video. (Newsflash) The scene of the theft of 161 cheeses worth EUR 21,000, in Fijnaart, Netherlands, in March, 2022. Note: Photo is a screenshot from video. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

06 April 2022
A series of high-value cheese thefts has been prompted by a thriving black market sparked by tough export sanctions against Russia, experts believe. Hauls worth more than EUR 21,000 have disappeared from warehouses, apparently stolen by organised crime gangs for the secret Moscow market...