COME TOGETHER: Lucky Group Of 165 Locals Win EuroMillions Jackpot Totalling More Than EUR 142 Million After Banding Together

Image shows the city of Antwerp, in Belgium, undated photo. A group of 165 residents from the village of Olmen in the Antwerp province won GBP 123 million with the Euromillions lottery game on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash) Image shows the city of Antwerp, in Belgium, undated photo. A group of 165 residents from the village of Olmen in the Antwerp province won GBP 123 million with the Euromillions lottery game on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

08 December 2022
A lucky group of 165 local residents in Belgium of one a EUR 142 million EuroMillions jackpot after banding together. This means that they will each walk away with about EUR 900,000 (GBP 777,000) each, according to Belgian media, who said the Belgian National Lottery had confirmed that a...