COVER UP CLAIM: Journo Busted Over Vid Of Teen Girl Running Barefoot Shortly Before She Reportedly Drowned

Photo shows Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga, undated. She was found dead in Karabuk, Turkey. Note: Picture is private (Newsflash) Photo shows Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga, undated. She was found dead in Karabuk, Turkey. Note: Picture is private (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

07 April 2023
A journalist who shared footage of a young black student running barefoot through the street has been arrested after cops claimed her death was not suspicious. The seizure of the journalist came after he shared the footage in response to the death of Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga, 18...