Customs Seize Cocaine Worth Millions Disguised As Ground Coffee And Paper Drawings

Cologne customs found 92 packages with more than 46 kilograms of black-colored cocaine disguised as coffee powder in March 2022.
Note: Press release photo(Hauptzollamt Koln/Newsflash). Cologne customs found 92 packages with more than 46 kilograms of black-colored cocaine disguised as coffee powder in March 2022. Note: Press release photo(Hauptzollamt Koln/Newsflash).
Copyrights: Hauptzollamt Koln/Newsflash

22 March 2022
Customs officers have seized cocaine worth millions that they said was disguised as ground coffee, hidden in paper drawings and even inside bars of soap. Newsflash obtained a statement from the Central Customs Office in Cologne, a city in the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia...