DOUBLE STROKE OF LUCK: Lucky Woman Wins Massive USD 900,000 Lottery Prize Week After Scooping USD 50,000

Jennifer Minton won two big lottery prizes in two weeks from the same game. She won USD 912,936 (GBP 752,000) playing Virginia Lottery's Safari Quest online game on Oct. 17, 2023. Note: Licensed content. (Virginia Lottery/Newsflash) Jennifer Minton won two big lottery prizes in two weeks from the same game. She won USD 912,936 (GBP 752,000) playing Virginia Lottery's Safari Quest online game on Oct. 17, 2023. Note: Licensed content. (Virginia Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Virginia Lottery/Newsflash

01 November 2023
A lucky woman in the USA was left in awe after she scooped a massive USD 900,000 prize a week after hitting USD 50,000 on the same lottery game. Jennifer Minton from Gloucester County, Virginia State, USA, was stunned when she won USD 912,936 (GBP 752,154) a week after winning USD 50,000...