Dumped Dad Shot Nine-Year-Old Son In Head Then Sent Cruel Vengeance Voice Note To Ex Wife

Picture shows Geraldo Aparecido Alves Miranda, 50, and his son Gabriel Santos Miranda, 9, undated. The boy was found dead in a rural area of ​​Itamarandiba, Brazil. Note: Private photo taken from local media. (Newsflash/NX) Picture shows Geraldo Aparecido Alves Miranda, 50, and his son Gabriel Santos Miranda, 9, undated. The boy was found dead in a rural area of ​​Itamarandiba, Brazil. Note: Private photo taken from local media. (Newsflash/NX)
Copyrights: Newsflash/NX

17 March 2025
+ + + NEWSFLASH + + + (https://newsx.media) For newsdesk queries : Call or WhatsApp on +44 751 927 1676 or mail on queries@newsx.media An estranged father who shot his nine-year-old son to death sent his former wife's family a chilling revenge voice note confessing to the killing...