EASY COME EASY BLOWN: Teens Splurge GBP 13,000 Found At Station

The EUR 14,900 (GBP 12,638) which were returned to the 62-year-old owner, after he forgot them in a briefcase at the Furth Hauptbahnhof railway station located in the German state of Bavaria on 2nd May. Note: This photo is from a press release. (Bundespolizeidirektion Munchen/Newsflash) The EUR 14,900 (GBP 12,638) which were returned to the 62-year-old owner, after he forgot them in a briefcase at the Furth Hauptbahnhof railway station located in the German state of Bavaria on 2nd May. Note: This photo is from a press release. (Bundespolizeidirektion Munchen/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Bundespolizeidirektion Munchen/Newsflash

19 May 2022
Six teenagers have been reprimanded for splashing the thousands of Euros found at a station on jewellery and clothes instead of handing them to the police. Police in Munich, the capital of the southern Free State of Bavaria, said that a 13-year-old boy discovered EUR 14,900 (GBP 12,600) in...