EASY MONEY: Winning USD 50,000 Lottery Ticket Spends Over A Month Forgotten In Missouri Nurse's Purse

Picture shows the  Walmart store, in Manchester, Missouri, USA, undated.  A nurse bought a USD 50,000 winning Powerball ticket that was forgotten in her purse for over a month, at the store. 

Note: Photo is a screenshot from Google Maps. (Google Maps/Newsflash) Picture shows the Walmart store, in Manchester, Missouri, USA, undated. A nurse bought a USD 50,000 winning Powerball ticket that was forgotten in her purse for over a month, at the store. Note: Photo is a screenshot from Google Maps. (Google Maps/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Google Maps/Newsflash

26 September 2022
A nurse in Missouri forgot about a winning, USD-50,000 lottery ticket that spent a month in her purse before she noticed. Newsflash obtained a statement from the Missouri lottery saying: "A USD 50,000 winning Powerball ticket was forgotten in a nurse’s purse for over a month before she...