Experienced Wingsuit Enthusiast Dies In Tragic Accident After Technical Problems Send Him Crashing Into Tree At Speed

Eduardo Guermandi (38) who died after jumping with a wingsuit from a rock inside Castelo, Espirito Santo in Brazil.
Note: Private photo(@duguermandi/Newsflash). Eduardo Guermandi (38) who died after jumping with a wingsuit from a rock inside Castelo, Espirito Santo in Brazil. Note: Private photo(@duguermandi/Newsflash).
Copyrights: @duguermandi/Newsflash

04 March 2022
An experienced wingsuit enthusiast has tragically died after experiencing technical problems with the apparatus that sent him crashing into a tree at speed after he jumped off a cliff just 850 metres off the ground. The wingsuit enthusiast has been named as Eduardo Guermandi Lopes, 38, and...