FAITH IN NUMBERS: Jobless Gran Scoops 500,000 GBP Lottery Win

Image shows Dosta Andonoska, from the city of Kicevo, North Macedonia, undated photo. She won the lottery jackpot of MKD 32,921,304 (GBP 460,500) in December, 2022. Note: Licensed content. (State Lottery North Macedonia/Newsflash) Image shows Dosta Andonoska, from the city of Kicevo, North Macedonia, undated photo. She won the lottery jackpot of MKD 32,921,304 (GBP 460,500) in December, 2022. Note: Licensed content. (State Lottery North Macedonia/Newsflash)
Copyrights: State Lottery North Macedonia/Newsflash

05 December 2022
A pensioner struggling to pay the bills after losing her job has won a GBP 458,686 lottery win. Elderly Dosta Andonoska from the city of Kichevo, North Macedonia, was named as the winner of the 7 numbers of Lotto 7 prize by the Macedonian State Lottery in a posting on its official Facebook...