A FAT BONUS: Petrol Station Receives USD 50,000 For Selling Multimillion Winning Lottery Ticket

Virginia Lottery Executive Director Kelly T. Gee  presents store owner, Andy Gill, with a check for USD 50,000,  in Dublin, Virginia, USA. His store  sold a   USD 161 million winning Powerball ticket. Note: Licensed photo.  (Virginia Lottery/Newsflash) Virginia Lottery Executive Director Kelly T. Gee presents store owner, Andy Gill, with a check for USD 50,000, in Dublin, Virginia, USA. His store sold a USD 161 million winning Powerball ticket. Note: Licensed photo. (Virginia Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Virginia Lottery/Newsflash

08 March 2023
A petrol station in the USA has received a gigantic bonus after selling a lottery ticket worth USD 161 million (GBP 136 million). The Gill Brothers gas station in the town of Dublin, Pulaski County, Virginia, USA, won an incredible USD 50,000 (GBP 42,248) after a lottery ticket they sold...