FIRST ARREST FOR CRIME IN METAVERSE: Sexting Pervert Persuaded Young Girls To Send Nude Pictures

Image shows an illustration of Facebook's VR Metaverse, undated photo. A teenage boy, 18, from the city of Zaragoza, in Spain, has been arrested for corruption, possession and distribution of child pornography and sexual exploitation of minors. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash) Image shows an illustration of Facebook's VR Metaverse, undated photo. A teenage boy, 18, from the city of Zaragoza, in Spain, has been arrested for corruption, possession and distribution of child pornography and sexual exploitation of minors. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video. (Newsflash)
Copyrights: Newsflash

06 February 2023
A teenage boy is reportedly the first person to be arrested for crimes committed in the metaverse after he posed as a bisexual girl to get other young girls to send him nudes. National Police arrested the unnamed teenager in Spain's Madrid region on 4th February. Local media report that it...