FLAMBOYANT ARRIVAL: Swiss Zoo Boasts With Two Near Threatened Chilean Flamingo Chicks As More Are Yet To Hatch

Image shows the Chilean flamingo offspring at the Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, undated photo. The species is listed as 'Near Threatened' on IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. Note: Licensed content. (Zurich Zoo, Fabio Sueess/Newsflash) Image shows the Chilean flamingo offspring at the Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, undated photo. The species is listed as 'Near Threatened' on IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. Note: Licensed content. (Zurich Zoo, Fabio Sueess/Newsflash)
Copyrights: Zurich Zoo, Fabio Sueess/Newsflash

19 July 2023
A zoo in Switzerland has boasted with two adorable Chilean flamingo chicks as zookeepers await for more to hatch soon. The two fluffy flamingo chicks overjoyed authorities at the Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, when they hatched last week after spending a month in an incubator. Video footage...