FORTUNE TELLER: Man Predicted His Grandson, 18, Would Win USD 1 Million Two Weeks Before Massive Lottery Jackpot

Dalton Radford, 18, (left) poses with unidentified man and   winning USD 1 million  scratch-off check. He said  that his grandfather predicted he’d win USD 1 million two weeks before his scratch-off win, in Dallas, North Carolina, USA. Note: Licensed photo.  (NC Lottery/Newsflash) Dalton Radford, 18, (left) poses with unidentified man and winning USD 1 million scratch-off check. He said that his grandfather predicted he’d win USD 1 million two weeks before his scratch-off win, in Dallas, North Carolina, USA. Note: Licensed photo. (NC Lottery/Newsflash)
Copyrights: NC Lottery/Newsflash

08 December 2022
An 18-year-old who has won a USD 1 million lottery jackpot has said that his grandfather predicted two weeks ago that he would win that exact amount. Dalton Radford of Dallas, a town in Gaston County, in the US state of North Carolina, said that he was on his way to his second job after...