FOUL LANGUAGE: Football PR Boss Ordered To Pay Compo To Reporter Over 'FCK' T-Shirt

Photo shows Hansa press spokeswoman Marit Scholz (middle), with a black T-shirt with a message 'FCK SFR'. She was fined EURO 5.000 for insulting a journalist. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video(Newsflash). Photo shows Hansa press spokeswoman Marit Scholz (middle), with a black T-shirt with a message 'FCK SFR'. She was fined EURO 5.000 for insulting a journalist. Note: Photo is a screenshot from a video(Newsflash).
Copyrights: Newsflash

27 October 2023
A football club PR boss has been ordered to pay more than GBP 4,000 in compensation after she insulted a journalist by wearing a T-shirt saying 'FCK' followed by his initials. Marit Scholz, head of media at FC Hansa Rostock, Germany, had repeatedly clashed with local sports writer Soenke...