GOLDILOCKS CANCER: Cancer Cells Thrive In Body's Sweet Spots, Says Study

University of Minnesota Twin Cities engineers have discovered that cancer cells invade the body based on their environment. The discovery provides new understanding of how cancer spreads and can improve future treatments.
Note: Licensed photo(David Odde Laboratory, University of Minnesota/Newsflash). University of Minnesota Twin Cities engineers have discovered that cancer cells invade the body based on their environment. The discovery provides new understanding of how cancer spreads and can improve future treatments. Note: Licensed photo(David Odde Laboratory, University of Minnesota/Newsflash).
Copyrights: David Odde Laboratory, University of Minnesota/Newsflash

14 July 2022
Cancer researchers have discovered how mutated cells can sense the Goldilocks sweet spots in a human body. Led by the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, an international group of researchers has shed new light on how cancer thrives. Previous studies have shown how cancer cells can sense...